Dimension mapping

The first and most important step in the creation of a model is the mapping of columns in the data file to "dimensions", the logical divisions of the dataset. The four required dimensions, amount, time, from, and to are laid out below, and you can add your own dimensions using the links at the bottom of the page.

Add single-column dimension Add multi-column dimension

Dataset metadata

Choose a uniquely identifying name, comprising letters, dashes and underscores only. Examples: eu-budget, epsrc-grants, country-regional-analysis.
A human-readable, short representation of the package name: European Union Budget, Country Regional Analysis, etc.
A 3-letter currency code. Examples: USD, GBP, etc. See ISO 4217.
Every dataset needs a set of columns from the data file which will uniquely identify any given spending entry in the data.
A longer description of the dataset, including (for example) information on its provenance, data quality. This will be processed as Markdown.
An HTML template that will be displayed on the page for an entry, which can incorporate properties of that entry. e.g.
<a href="http://example.com/entry/${entry.id}">

Views and visualisation